How to write SEO optimized blog post

Being a literally well written and quality post can't always make your Blog rise in the SEO competitions. Bloggers also need to look into their posts as search engines. Optimizing keywords and images in blogger post matters too. Some of these important factors are not considered due to lack of knowledge about Search engine optimization; which includes me. Don't worry you have got it's best answer.  This post would be the complete solution for how to write a fully search engine optimized blog post in blogger.

Adequate and perfect use of Post titles, Headings, Images, keywords, self linking and external linking are the best SEO tips to write a search engine optimized blog post in Blogger or Wordpress.

Make Blog Post Title SEO optimized

By just reading your post title, your visitors must know that they are here for the thing in need. Make the post title catchy and interesting.

Use a title with a high chance of searching. 
For this you have to think through the searcher's mind. You have to figure out how may people search your topic in Google,Bing,Yahoo,etc. 

Let your titles be like questions.
People, when facing a doubt, usually search as questions. Starting your post title with how to, how can, why, and similar can be very useful in being a SEO optimized post title. Google, in a considerable percent, sort their search results looking into their blog post titles.

Also use headings, sub-headings and minor headings as they also have a good role in Post's SEO.

Make Images SEO optimized

Images you post in the front of the post gives your readers a quick glance at your topic. It also makes your blog post comprehensive, more understandable and good looking. Pick up the one that suits your topic at the best.

Still the major problem with the images is hidden which is it's size. The larger the size of the image, the lower your page load speed will be. Though an unclear image is too bad to your blog's visitors. It is found that more than 30% of the people using smartphone ignore blogs which are lazy to come up.

There is always a way. Here the way is to reduce the size of the image for better SEO without reducing it's clarity. For that, we have got several image compressors both online and offline. You can use PS for instance. We use the below online compressors:
For PNG: For JPEG:
How to write SEO Optimized Blog Posts
Adding Caption to images

Search engines can't see images, They look in to the image's name,alt and title tag to sort images in their search results. So, Give alt tags and title tags for images for the SEO boost. Also use a caption.

Make keywords in blog post SEO optimized

 This is the one way you bring your old school English into the blog post. You use different words to give out same meaning. You must have noticed the summary just below the post title in Google search results. They are the words that is being searched in Google and is in your blog post. All the sentences matter. 

Repeatedly, use similar words that is in the post title or is much linked with your post title and your topic. The words may be the same, but their arrangements can make drastic changes.

Use words and phrases that are much probable to be searched in search engines in an exactly same order.

External and Internal linking 

Internal Linking or Self Linking:

Linking in between different pages of the same blog is a widely known and used technique by bloggers. It can be clearly seen in Wikipedia. Internal linking is one of their major SEO strategy.
For instance, 

How to write SEO Optimized Blog Posts

Use of self linking can result in a reduced bounce rate and make people stay on your site. It can also be done by using widgets like related posts, recent posts, random posts, and similar. We have posted some of the best recent post widget, related and popular post widget and random post widget. Make sure you check those out.

External linking:

It means to link our blog with some other. It is a commonly thought fallacy that external linking is bad for blog's SEO. Linking your blog with sites that have proven their power in scoring Search engine 's rank is a very useful and risk-less tip. They act as supporters to your blog's SEO. So, Never miss a chance to link with a site with higher ranks. Prefer FacebookAlexaWikipedia, or any other. While linking please avoid using Click here, click to Continue reading and similar. Instead, give links to the names.

Choosing the most relevant and niche based topic

This truly is not a SEO trick but it is the fact that we create blogs. Only choose the latest and most relevant topics to write. So, the next time a Googler sees your blog name shows familiarity and thinks " It's a very interesting blog. :)". 

Out of all those, choose an ever-green topic. Because such topics never expire. If successful, that post can never stop bringing readers to your blog so does earning dollars. 


Now, the tips are left to your hands. It's worth it. Use it to make your blog a highly successful one and a high paying. Comment us on your thoughts, doubts and expressions. Give us your feedback and suggestions. Hoping your expressions soon.

Happy Blogging :)

Let your blog be a brand ☺

how to optimise blog post title how to optimise images in blogger how to use keyword in blogger for better seo how to create seo  optimised blogger blog post how to write seo optimised post in blogger full tutorial full guide what is external and internal linking in blogger how tto select topic for blogger How to write seo Optimized blog post complete guide on how to write seo optimized blog post in wordpress and blogger how to write fully seo optimised blog post in blogger how to create seo  optimised blogger blog post how to write seo optimised post in blogger full tutorial full guide


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